~Farming Life is for me~

Life here in the country, with my chickens,Turkey's,Cats
and Dogs..

And my Rabbits..Is what truly makes me
happy.. And Sharing this life, I love so much with my two wonderful boys and husband..

Hope you find my
blog interesting..You will find here who I really am..and what I love..

Monday, February 16, 2009

~ Stopping in to say hello.~

Hell0, Everyone... I am so tired right now...I am about ready to hit the sack, If you know what I mean. But I decided since I was on-line checking my e-mail... I would go ahead and leave a post.
So here I am...Today was a tuff day at work, seems like Monday are tuff. The kids are more trying. Getting back to the routine, of things while being with mom and Dad over the weekend...
I am ready for Spring, I want to dig my fingers into the dirt, and fill my flower Bed with beautiful flowers.
Well I better get to Bed, I need to get some sleep..big day tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by. God Bless you all.


BittersweetPunkin said...

Hi Regina...nice to see you! I heard the twins just had a Birthday...I bet you've been busy...I am longing for Spring too. I am already thinking about starting some veggies in container pots. I miss the flowers too!!


Simply Shelley said...

Hi Regina,I am always glad to see a new post from you...I know you can't wait to get some pretty flowers growing. I am so ready for spring to..............

Love you much,Moma

Cheryl said...

Well when you do get those flowers in share some pictures when you have a chance.

Good to see your new post. Take care, Regina.

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